Composite Materials

Materials Library

Discover the finishes and techniques from our craftsmen, artisans and makers.
From handmade ceramics to bespoke metal finishes.

Explore our selection of high-performance composites materials and special coatings. Find out how composites hold the solution for your next project: from acoustic performing flexible panels to coating that can simulate ceramics or carbonized wood.

Venture into our diverse and meticulously curated collection of high-performance composite materials and special coatings.In an era where the preservation of our environment is paramount, we recognize the pressing need for eco-friendly alternatives. Thus, our composite materials are engineered to minimize environmental impact while maximizing utility and longevity. Moreover, our special coatings don't just offer protection and enhancement to surfaces; they do so while upholding the highest standards of eco-responsibility.

3D Panels (16)

Special Coatings (82)

Technical Textiles (10)